Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

VIVA - Everyone's Dream

What is Viva's network?

Viva Network is a decentralized mortgage platform that allows borrowers and investors to innovate and meet directly in a safe and secure place. The Viva platform has been driven by state-of-the-art blockchain technology, which means that investors and borrowers can make transactions without the need for intermediaries or government barriers. By applying the devices produced by Viva, the entire funding process will be safer, more efficient, and more economical.
Viva will be used to create new markets in the mortgage / loan industry. The goal is to reduce inefficiency while making it cheaper to buy a home.

This may be the first period, Viva allows private investors accredited to buy profits, high profits, FMS (Fractionalized Mortgage Shares) profits. It will also help to innovate applications that have been built to add to the state of the art today and conventional credit assessment and appraisal procedures that are often out of date.

Viva is just a transformative economic technology that introduces large-scale property mortgages to the world. The Viva platform will use smart contracts to obtain housing loans, connect borrowers and investors directly into a decentralized and unreliable ecosystem. By utilizing an ultra-secure blockchain transaction, Viva eliminates brokers, resulting in a more effective and efficient loan process for all parties.

Viva allows the free market to determine interest rates on borrower mortgages and eliminate dependence on banks and other financial intermediaries. By eliminating inefficiencies in local financial techniques, mortgage rates will more accurately and accurately reflect the level of danger associated with the real value of assets.


By using a stock shredding mortgage, the Viva network allows investors to buy mortgages from home buyers from around the world, making the process faster and easier for home buyers. With the ability to access the free market effectively, both parties will now be able to use international arbitration with interest rates and receive mortgages with low interest rates and a higher return on investment.

The project team believes that Viva technology will increase loan availability for borrowers and will not allow institutional investors to participate in future sales, which are backed by mortgage-related assets traditionally provided to large financial institutions.

The Viva network allows intermediaries to use blustiskhiv® technozoic. Viva greatly simplifies mortgages and purifies them regularly. People who generally prefer things to be found in litigation can be contacted with investors around the world, and they are free.

Vival Hub will be launched so we believe in the most attractive risks that are directly adjusted to the unit of capital invested; in other words, they can use a safe but rich market. Restructuring, real estate conditions and political stability will also be taken into account in this regard. They are that Vival Hub will exist as a good mortgage broker and is quite like a pass-through entity that will facilitate buyer loans while creating profits for investors. Viva the Hubs will use a standardized Viva Frandmable for investors and it will be very useful if Viva Nеtwwr persists.

They believe this is the best way to distinguish a clear and more human-dependent system. However, he was convinced that he was childish and not sufficient enough to allow complete decentralization of one of them. Physically, "briksk and more" Viva Hubes will be shown for the initial start of Vivaes,


The global market for permanent mortgage income is worth around US $ 31 trillion. Regardless of the large amount of money, credit investment does not naturally get the same concentration of investment in impartiality because it is largely controlled by some investors. By modernizing the mortgage with blockchain expertise, Viva will generate the curiosity and enthusiasm that is appropriate for the declining mortgage industry.


After a mortgage is mass-financed through a Separate Mortgage Stock, it will be possible to determine it for sale in the Viva FMS ownership swap application located on Viva Network Platform. Requests will operate in a manner comparable to online cryptocurrency exchanges, and FMS will be traded in a style comparable to the guarantee of permanent benefits. Investors will be able to use this platform to purchase (bid) and sell (demand) FMS investments. This application includes data analysis tools, charts and features that rank all FMS securities based on risk rating, results, duration, IRR, etc. with personalized portfolio recommendations and automation available to the average investor.

Consider an ICO project

Token: VIVA
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 3 000 000 000 VIVA
Price: 35,714 VIVA = 1 ETH
Payment: ETH
Hard stamp: 3,000,000,000 VIVA


Starting: 31.03.2018
Settlement: 14.04.2018
Bonus: 35%


Starting: 14.04.2018
Settlement: 14.06.2018
bonus system:
Up to 11,200 ETH - 25%
Up to 33,070 ETH - 15%
Up to 68 700 ETH-no


- May 2016 - The beginning of the original idea.
- 2017 2017 - Study of Chain Chain Ecosystems for Determining Relevant Core Technology.
- July 2017 - Planning a high-quality service-oriented architecture from the Viva platform.
- August 2017 - Analysis of geological exploration data and feasibility studies.
- November 2017 - Development of value estimation algorithm 1.0.
- Q1 & Q2 - 2018 - Start the token and MVP development event. Start a large-scale marketing campaign.
- Q3 - 2018 - Real Value application development 2.0. Get legal and regulatory licenses.
- T4 - 2018 - launches the Real Value 2.0 application. Exclusive ML exclusion algorithm.
- Q1 - 2019 - to launch the progressive launch of Viva's network platform.
- Q2 - 2019 - Launch of the Viva Network platform and the first mortgage with the Viva mortgage system.

Viva Team


Author: The lucky
My ETH: 0x7A3b0fb09628bc56997d52d9a77f3D70a23C66a6

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