Selasa, 31 Juli 2018

GEM4ME - The First and Decentralized Universal e-Commerce Platform

They are a wonderful company of people living abroad, and we actually work at Gem4me Mаrkеt Space: a universal and decentralized e-commerce platform.
They may well know another platform and the digital market says and find that with the right notes and expertise, we plan to create an exciting new project in clear choice. We see that what happens is a better trading pattern that also benefits most people and better because it's better. There is no way to make services and services easily, where better, using just one (including the right one).

They have called their trade lined рlаtfоrm Gеm4mе Mаrер Sрасе, аnd аrе аrе аrе аrе аnԁ Smаrt Wаllеt thаt helps hοlrе рау аrе аrе аrе trаnѕасt fast, secure, аnԁ ουѕуу. Other, Gem4me Could Space and Smant Will take the first step of a beautiful Gemilang Gemilang.

G4G will make Space use cutting-edge technology as it has done, blockchain, sorting tools, and comprehensive intelligence for many new types of services for customers and consumers. In this case, we try to do the best of what needs to be done to benefit our users now and in the future.

We are more than just. We've worked hard for 3 years Unlike many others, we do not position ourselves as the most important dream to think. Soon, we may have done a lot of action and key, including messengers: strong evidence that we have what it takes to get glamor, bigger and better. To get better, Get the Space Market built on your big, important, that is 3 points from development to messenger Gеm4mе. Better information being a highly competitive company, we've made one in 5 million users coming to 50 countries, and we're constantly improving and making it better. We believe that this courier will lead Gem4me Make Sritreve yourself fairly quickly - and that some of you in creating it will be invaluable.

Their applicants have understood and found complex projects very high. they рrоjесt hаѕ bееn сrеаtеd by a team of developers that inсludеѕ Sуnеѕiѕ lаrgе, a tеаm which hеlреd dеvеlор large scale applications Vibеr mоbilе likе аnd Playtika gaming portals, аѕ wеll аѕ another group оf dеvеlореrѕ that ѕресiаlizе in Blосkсhаin tесhnоlоgу, fi ntech, AI аnd more. Our programmers have worked and are very helpful in this, unlike today in small teams.

The ррото и водовия иградание нение редение в деление редение. Our own fans are a unique advantage. Our experience with team-briѕеd tесhnоlоgiеѕ, as well as one of our steps to fund Gem4me as it once did, helps us pull long distances from buyers who are still very interested in Future development. These fans / co-investors now help us reconcile, finally, and promote G4M worldwide.

They ultimаtе gоаl iѕ tо make a Gem4me Market Space which mоѕt glоbаl аnd comfortable е-соmmеrсе mаrkеt аррliсаtiоn аnd ѕаfе ecosystem deals in wоrld thе. Using other technologies will help you create simplicity, transparency, and value. Hаving wоrkеd оn thе рrоjесt to оvеr a уеr tо dаtе, wе'rе аlrеаdу far all the time dеvеlорmеnt аnd is роѕitivе аnd confident аbоut оur соntinuеd ѕuссеѕѕ. Lаtе Aрril ѕаw thеу rеlеаѕе Market Sрасе'ѕ ѕtоrе- building ChatBot: a tооl that helps uѕеrѕ build ѕtоrеѕ ԛuiсklу and еаѕilу. It is currently being tested and used to help people who plan.
  • Embrace Chаtbυtѕ around operations and ѕimрlifу ѕhоррing for соnѕumеrѕ and rеtааеrѕ.
  • Blосkсhаin tесhnоlоgу hеlрѕ dесеntrаlizе thе economy Gеm4mе Market Space whilе ensures trаnѕраrеnсу аnd ѕесuritу for transactions аnd keeps intеrnаtiоnаl trаnѕfеr fееѕ lоw.
  • Intentional properties Intеlligеnсе рrоtосоlѕ optimizes Gеm4mе Operating Space and minimizes the need for invоlvеmеnt humаn.
For those of Use, Gem4me Mаkktt Sрасе соmеѕ with Smаrt Wаllеt that includes fеаturеѕ likе Crурtо / Fiаt Sеrviсе, Crурtо Anаlуtiс Signаlѕ, Crурtо CаѕhBасk, аnd mоrе.
Gеm4mе - A first step with 5 miliоn users at 50 соuntriеr. O ffi сiаl wеbіitе: gеm4mе. com. The Gem4me Mаkktt Space рlаtfоrm іѕ intаgrаtеd to a larger one.

AI - G4mmmakes Space AI using delegate commands and / or helps to create scripts and bots.
There will be glamorous and original services built in AI рrоtосоlѕ. With Gеmmе Adѕ, Gem4me Market Share usage can create and quickly generate campaigns and minimize the work time required for every effort.

With Gem4me Mаkktt Space, you can:
  1. Create and run one of the answers. Whether you have completed part of knitted or hundrеdѕ of your unit will not.
  2. Nothing is really good, but it also exists, including (but not limited to): рrivаtе tutоring, соnѕtruсtiоn, horoscope rеаdingѕ, by-the-hour соding.
  3. Give lots of reasons for tours, direct tickets, and so on.
  4. Create comments with registered features and built-in chats.
  5. Carefully identify relevant products in sufficient quantities.
  6. The numbers using Gem4me MAKE SARIX AI
  7. DO DETERMINING AND USING AS your city, region, and country.
  8. Find the simplest restaurant, remember about the mue and the table message
  9. Avoid using сrурtо tokens.
  10. Make love and focus on tokens and more.
  11. Get cash back for direct purchases.

Gemme Coin (market abbreviation GMC) is a utility-token of the Gem4me Market Space ecosystem, it gives access to users of the platform to use its functionality.The architecture of Gem4me Market Space and the methods of using the GMC token are designed with a focus on securing their funds. Gemme Coin - in White Paper § 9.:

For more information, please visit the link below:

Author: the lucky
My Eth: 0x7A3b0fb09628bc56997d52d9a77f3D70a23C66a6

Senin, 30 Juli 2018

Atomic Wallet

If you are interested in joining the Atom project, it's worth reading the following reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision and also to know about Atomic Wallet.

Swap Atom

Cross-chain is the exchange of cryptocurrency between users. Basically, A sends Coin A to the B Coin B party address through blockchain, while B does the same with Coin B. This action occurs independently on parallel blockchain, in one-way manner. Such arrangements increase the likelihood that one party will never respect the end of the agreement. One way to solve this problem is the involvement of a trusted third party. An atomic cross-chain swap, on the other hand, solves this problem without the need for a third party.

Atom swaps require each party to set up a contract of transaction. The contract contains output that can be spent by the opponent, but the rules required to collect differ for each party involved.

Atom Swap Technology

The first party (called the initiator) wants to trade Coins B for Coin A with other parties (called participants). The initiator allocates the amount of Coins B that is meant for the contract and produces "secret". The secret will later enable participants to collect the contract results. Until he knows his secret, the participants can not spend money from the Coin B initiator's contract.

Participants contract in the Coin A blockchain in a manner similar to the initiator mode. To make the contract, the participant requires the secretive cryptographic hash of the initiator. The initiator can not access this contract without disclosing the secrets to the participants.

After both parties make their contract, none of them can reassemble their coins until the specified time expires. The initiator redeems the contract of the participant, thus disclosing the secrets to the participants. The latter redeeming the contract maker using the secret taken from him.

When a certain period of time (usually 1 hour) ends and the participant does not redeem the outcome of the contract, it is returned back to the initiator's wallet. The participant's contract can also be returned back to the participant, but only after half the time period required by the initiator to wait before their contract can be returned (usually 2 hours).

Initiators can also trade Coin A for Coin B and the procedure will be the same, but with every step taken in the opposite direction on another blockchain. This procedure is considered atomic (ie with timeout) as it gives each party at least 24 hours to exchange the coin from the opposite blockchain before a refund can be made.

The image below provides a visual view of the steps that each party performs and data transfer between each party:

Token atom

The Atom Wallet will issue its own token, called AWC (Atomic Wallet Coin). A tight limit of 100M AWC will be created, never upgraded.
  • AWC will run natively on the Ethereum blockchain with ERC20.
  • Type: ERC20 Token
  • Ticker: AWC
  • Full name: Atomic Wallet Coin
  • Decimal: 8
  • Total supply: 100,000,000 AWC
  • Open Source Source Code
Economic tokens and places to keep up with price growth are described in a special charter.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
Token Publishing

The intelligent contract based on the Ethereum network was written for the effective implementation of the ICO Atom project. On the day of the ICO launch, the Atom team will publish a smart contract, which will initialize the issuance of AWC-token based on ethereum according to the ERC20 standard.

The contract will support the following functions:
  • Crowdsale Management
  • Issue of the AWC token (standard ERC20)
  • AWC token redirect
The main function of the crowdsale section of the contract is to set the token price.
In addition, this smart contract will keep a record of providing AWC-tokens to the community of investors and founders.
The source code of the smart contract for the launch of the token-AWC can be found here:

Budget allocation

Each atom swap uses a locked lock-time contract, which is part of the scripting language used for most of the current main cryptocurrencies. Both parties submit their respective transactions to the appropriate blockchain. User A sends bitcoin to Bitcoin blockchain, and user B sends ETC on the Ethereum Classic chain. The recipient can only claim this transaction by disclosing a secret number.

For more information, please visit the link below:

Author: The lucky
My Eth: 0x7A3b0fb09628bc56997d52d9a77f3D70a23C66a6



KuBitX is one of the most advanced and robust cryptocurrency trading platforms designed in a very user friendly way to enable people from all regions and backgrounds get the stronghold of the ideas revolving around the Blockchain and the cryptocurrency space.


Contained within the KuBitX ecosystem are the KuBitX Trade engines, the secured KuBitX wallets, and an advanced Admin dashboard for regulating the activities within the Trade Exchange.


By targeting even the remotest people for their inclusion in the cryptocurrency market, our goal is to become one of the most diverse of the world's cryptocurrency marketplaces for buyers and sellers worldwide.


Our platform is highly scalable, ready to accept new features to improve our users trading experience.


We have made an extensive benchmarking with the current platforms, which help us to take some steps ahead, plus our security team comes from top organisations.


Our token is initially based on the Ethereum blockchain. We plan to launch our own chain of the most common social, utility, administration, and governance problems in developing countries.


As strong believers in peer to peer payment ecosystems, we believe that traditional financial systems will eventually be replaced partly due to continuous broken trust, censorship and a growing enlightenment of the populace.


Our platform is bringing competitive flat trading which will be cheaper and more convenient by using our tokens.


Our multi-signature wallet and cold storage strategy will minimize the exposure of our trader's funds. We have combined various strategies to secure the funds traded on our platform.

  • Ticker: KBX
  • Token Type: ERC20 (Ethereum)
  • Decimal: 18
  • Category / Algorithm: PoS
  • Total Supply: 500,000,000
  • Currencies Accepted: ETH
  • Soft Cap: 10,000 ETH
  • Hard Cap: 25,000 ETH
  • TGE Details
  • Seed Round: Ongoing. Ends July 16, 2018.
  • Pre-Public Round: 16 July - 31 August, 2018
  • Public Round: TBC

  • 25 ETH
  • PRICE PER KBX 0.0001122 ETH
  • BONUS 20%

Q4 2017

Q1-Q2 2018

Q3 2018

Q3-Q4 2018

Q1-Q4 2019/2020


Is this company a good investment for you? If you believe in the power of artificial intelligence, yes. The developers of KubitX are confident that they will be able to achieve some success in this segment. AI is likely to improve a lot in the future, as well as the cost of this company and its tokens.

KubitX can be a good long-term investment for you, because it is likely that this company will offer you a good return on investment, but in the future. If you have enough patience, it would be nice to invest in this company.

Here are the reviews KubitX project is currently run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information . information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

Author: the lucky
Eth: 0x7A3b0fb09628bc56997d52d9a77f3D70a23C66a6

Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

VIVA - Everyone's Dream

What is Viva's network?

Viva Network is a decentralized mortgage platform that allows borrowers and investors to innovate and meet directly in a safe and secure place. The Viva platform has been driven by state-of-the-art blockchain technology, which means that investors and borrowers can make transactions without the need for intermediaries or government barriers. By applying the devices produced by Viva, the entire funding process will be safer, more efficient, and more economical.
Viva will be used to create new markets in the mortgage / loan industry. The goal is to reduce inefficiency while making it cheaper to buy a home.

This may be the first period, Viva allows private investors accredited to buy profits, high profits, FMS (Fractionalized Mortgage Shares) profits. It will also help to innovate applications that have been built to add to the state of the art today and conventional credit assessment and appraisal procedures that are often out of date.

Viva is just a transformative economic technology that introduces large-scale property mortgages to the world. The Viva platform will use smart contracts to obtain housing loans, connect borrowers and investors directly into a decentralized and unreliable ecosystem. By utilizing an ultra-secure blockchain transaction, Viva eliminates brokers, resulting in a more effective and efficient loan process for all parties.

Viva allows the free market to determine interest rates on borrower mortgages and eliminate dependence on banks and other financial intermediaries. By eliminating inefficiencies in local financial techniques, mortgage rates will more accurately and accurately reflect the level of danger associated with the real value of assets.


By using a stock shredding mortgage, the Viva network allows investors to buy mortgages from home buyers from around the world, making the process faster and easier for home buyers. With the ability to access the free market effectively, both parties will now be able to use international arbitration with interest rates and receive mortgages with low interest rates and a higher return on investment.

The project team believes that Viva technology will increase loan availability for borrowers and will not allow institutional investors to participate in future sales, which are backed by mortgage-related assets traditionally provided to large financial institutions.

The Viva network allows intermediaries to use blustiskhiv® technozoic. Viva greatly simplifies mortgages and purifies them regularly. People who generally prefer things to be found in litigation can be contacted with investors around the world, and they are free.

Vival Hub will be launched so we believe in the most attractive risks that are directly adjusted to the unit of capital invested; in other words, they can use a safe but rich market. Restructuring, real estate conditions and political stability will also be taken into account in this regard. They are that Vival Hub will exist as a good mortgage broker and is quite like a pass-through entity that will facilitate buyer loans while creating profits for investors. Viva the Hubs will use a standardized Viva Frandmable for investors and it will be very useful if Viva Nеtwwr persists.

They believe this is the best way to distinguish a clear and more human-dependent system. However, he was convinced that he was childish and not sufficient enough to allow complete decentralization of one of them. Physically, "briksk and more" Viva Hubes will be shown for the initial start of Vivaes,


The global market for permanent mortgage income is worth around US $ 31 trillion. Regardless of the large amount of money, credit investment does not naturally get the same concentration of investment in impartiality because it is largely controlled by some investors. By modernizing the mortgage with blockchain expertise, Viva will generate the curiosity and enthusiasm that is appropriate for the declining mortgage industry.


After a mortgage is mass-financed through a Separate Mortgage Stock, it will be possible to determine it for sale in the Viva FMS ownership swap application located on Viva Network Platform. Requests will operate in a manner comparable to online cryptocurrency exchanges, and FMS will be traded in a style comparable to the guarantee of permanent benefits. Investors will be able to use this platform to purchase (bid) and sell (demand) FMS investments. This application includes data analysis tools, charts and features that rank all FMS securities based on risk rating, results, duration, IRR, etc. with personalized portfolio recommendations and automation available to the average investor.

Consider an ICO project

Token: VIVA
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 3 000 000 000 VIVA
Price: 35,714 VIVA = 1 ETH
Payment: ETH
Hard stamp: 3,000,000,000 VIVA


Starting: 31.03.2018
Settlement: 14.04.2018
Bonus: 35%


Starting: 14.04.2018
Settlement: 14.06.2018
bonus system:
Up to 11,200 ETH - 25%
Up to 33,070 ETH - 15%
Up to 68 700 ETH-no


- May 2016 - The beginning of the original idea.
- 2017 2017 - Study of Chain Chain Ecosystems for Determining Relevant Core Technology.
- July 2017 - Planning a high-quality service-oriented architecture from the Viva platform.
- August 2017 - Analysis of geological exploration data and feasibility studies.
- November 2017 - Development of value estimation algorithm 1.0.
- Q1 & Q2 - 2018 - Start the token and MVP development event. Start a large-scale marketing campaign.
- Q3 - 2018 - Real Value application development 2.0. Get legal and regulatory licenses.
- T4 - 2018 - launches the Real Value 2.0 application. Exclusive ML exclusion algorithm.
- Q1 - 2019 - to launch the progressive launch of Viva's network platform.
- Q2 - 2019 - Launch of the Viva Network platform and the first mortgage with the Viva mortgage system.

Viva Team


Author: The lucky
My ETH: 0x7A3b0fb09628bc56997d52d9a77f3D70a23C66a6

Senin, 09 Juli 2018

Bitcoin Origin - World's First Multi-Fork Meets Serverless Blockchain

What is Bitcoin Basic?

Bitcoin Origin is a platform that uses blocks to solve problems directly related to users, and since many loyalty programs use poorly applied programs and loyalty scores, companies have an increased liability. Bitcoin Origin integrates Points in BitTrain Token Asli (ORI) and provides loyalty programs to users. For the lowest cost with maximum security. Regardless of reliability and low transaction costs, Bitcine uses block-block technology to eliminate Origin Median, which provides users and partners with more reasonable results.

Before discussing more about the origin of Bitcoin, I will tell you what is in the world of "hard-fork" cryptocurrency. Hard-fork is a condition when a coin developer agrees to apply a new feature or turn it into a coin programming system. The goal of hard-fork is to improve the security of coin networks and to optimize the number of users who continue to grow. The hard case of forks that ever happened, in 2016, DAO was hacked on an atherium platform, then the Etherium developer team worked hard and made a new ultokine called atherium (eth) and made an old coin called classic atherium (etc). . Another example, in 2017, is being done on a bitakine hard fork core network, which results in chain separation and becomes a new ultokine called Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Bitcine Origin is a global and decentralized platform, used to manage cumulative points and loyalty programs. Analysis of a large number of different fidelity programs using points, developers do not get good applications. This resulted in direct losses to users, as well as a loyalty program that was not successfully implemented and did not increase the company's liabilities.
Bitcine provides a solution to this problem using native blocking techniques. Due to low transaction costs and high security, bitcouine transforms the original score into bitokine tokens (ori) and provides user loyalty programs.

What are the features of Bitcoin origin?
There are 5 specializations provided by the widely used Bitet genesis

1. Multilevel
Multi-level is a feature that allows calculation of scale compared to hard-fork.

2. Multi country
Users can use their original tokens in the form of cost and reward blocks, each with its own ecosystem backed by its own name, virtual machine and bitocaine genesis.

3. Cross Chain
Bitcoin Origin has developed a token based on ethereum, allowing token converter ethereum to be a native token with a multi-state machine.

4. Ambassador proof
The Bitcoin Origin community that holds ORI token shares can choose. And run the campaign and will be rewarded according to the campaign effort.

5. Block without server
With the network technology developed by Bitakowin Origin, all community members have the ability to present blockchain without their own servers. This blockchain is part of Network Validator (Ambassador) from Bitcoin Origin.

What problems are there to complete the project?

Below are the problems identified. Increase in corporate liabilities: Unused amounts are filed as liabilities. Because customer points are used less, corporate liabilities become more important and have a negative impact on their financial estimates. Poor Loyalty Program Performance: This is due to the low usage of numbers, companies can not expect loyalty program performance. Put social costs like performance and bad business.

Complexity of control points: Your average number is nominated at 29 different points, which makes it difficult to control points and leads to the fact that the points end. Benefits provided by this forum Both users and businesses can take advantage of the original Bitcoin platform. Users can redeem their points for Bitcoin Origin Token (ORI) or use their points at the store point. To reach specific ads from interested companies, users get access to promotions through an advertising channel.

Bitcoin Original Wallet allows you to manage and integrate multiple partners simultaneously. Companies have access to more customers, allowing them to immediately sell their products to bookmarks. Bitcoin's exchange model from Bitcoin helps companies effectively reduce their obligations. Partners can encourage more loyalty to potential customers using bittoine and basic store baits.
Token bitokin tokens are designed to be a token-compatible ERC 20 on australium platform and used to block technology. Target Group Bitcoin Origin is an airline, travel agency, market leader, and online store worldwide. With such benefits, Bitcoin Origins will control billions of dollars in global markets based on sophisticated, safe and effective barrier technology.


Tranched Release and Whitelisting

To ensure biological development, Bitcoin will be released in daily structure and prevent whales or large organizations from ORI tokens that are not loaded on the partner exchanges. To claim your bitcoin origin tokens, bitcoin holders, bitcoin cache, etherium, light cone and dash will require a whitelist using our easy-to-use claim tool.

The origin of Bitcoin is self-funded

The Experienced Bitcoin Origin Founder Team strongly believes in this project and thereby restrain their capital. The origin of Bitcoin has been fully funded at home and there is no ICO scheme for this project.


January - June 2017
Mining problems arise from the use of "dirty" electricity, the centralization of mining resources, and low profitability in the mining industry PoW * - Bitcoin's original idea emerged.

July - September 2017
Bitcoin collects original teams - Developers, Designers, General Managers, Project Managers, Employees of PR, Support * * Employees and Call Center Agents.

October - December 2017
The position paper is complete

January - March 2018
Proof of concept for PoA Infrastructure
Proof of concept for multichannel applications
The website is full

April - June 2018
Whitepaper finished
A secure partnership for a complete security audit
Community hall
Customer Support Team Setup
Finishing and improving infrastructure for the launch of Bitcoin Genesis
Bounty campaign settings
Preparing ERC 20 Token launch on many exchanges
Some full code checks on the origin of bitcoin (free and at home)

July - September 2018
TestNet launch
Full node
Full pockets
Light welts
Mobile wallet
Claim tool
Bitcine Original Fund started working on crypt based projects

October - December 2018
Mennet Launch
Bitcoin Basic Conference
Increased scalability
Bitcoin origin begins to assess nonprofit profit projects
Bitcoin started working on the Native Education Fund education platform

January - March 2019
Community Development Fund Forum - Allow communities to store and provide corrective protocols
ICO community funding platform

For more details:



Author: the lucky
My Eth: 0x7A3b0fb09628bc56997d52d9a77f3D70a23C66a6

Bitway - Il progetto minerario migliore e anche il più redditizio

Criptovaluta come Bitcoin o Altcoin fa bene a essere un mezzo di trasporto in tutto il mondo. Sì, dimentica certe valute reali che son...